Stairway to Sundog

The progress continues, another week closer to the completion of our building! As many of you know, we will be occupying the top floor out of the two stories available, with the hopes of expanding, and taking over both floors. This may seem a little premature considering we haven’t moved in yet, but it’s always a good thing to dream of a bright future.

We officially have another set of stairs! These steps are in the back of the building and will take you directly up to the Sundog workspace. We weren’t sure if they are completely functional yet, hence the picture from above, our intern wouldn’t brave the steps to check. By looking at the pictures, it may seem impossible to have everything finished by December 1st, but it is 100% attainable. Our construction crews have done a phenomenal job up to this point in getting us ready, we can’t wait to show off our final product.

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