Data Recovery

Complete backups, performed hourly and verified by experts

Backups that inspire confidence

Do you fear your data isn’t backed up properly? That your backups miss critical files or aren’t scheduled regularly enough? When disaster hits, your data is key to keep your business up and running. Without it, customers can’t be helped, staff can’t do their job, and your business stalls. Ensure your data is safe and backed up with Sundog, and protect the continuity of your business.
Sundog’s Data Recovery Services provide peace of mind with hourly backups every day, and on-call support. Don’t let a disaster slow down your businesses growth. Move forward—always—with Sundog’s complete Data Recovery Solution that gets you up and running in minutes, not hours, when disaster strikes.

Why choose Sundog’s Data Recovery Solution:

Be 100% confident in your backups. Sundog engineers verify the integrity of all backups and recovery procedures to ensure your organization has 24/7 access to its data.

Schedule Your Discovery Session

Our initial discovery session only takes 15 minutes! We will discuss your current roadblocks and issues surrounding IT. Based on your unique business needs, we can begin creating your roadmap for IT success. Welcome to The Sundog Way.

Managed Cloud Services

Find out all the ways you can cut costs and increase productivity

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