IT Solutions for
Financial & Professional Services

24/7 service to minimize downtime and increase your billable hours

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Service highlights:

A reliable IT network to increase your billable hours​

Stress-free HIPAA compliance for financial institutions​

Cloud migrations to make remote work effortless and easy​

Data restoration to protect you from disasters and accidentally deleted data​

Bulletproof cybersecurity to protect your PII and customer information

Prevent IT problems before they wreak havoc

It seems like a typical day at the office. You’re focused, working on a client’s project in blissful silence. Suddenly, your computer freezes. A staff member bursts through your door and hits you with the bad news: all your employees’ computers are down. You have no choice but to call your break/fix IT guy. He may be a few hours. And now the day is lost, as are countless billable hours.
Disruptive IT problems like the scenario above can cost you tens of thousands of dollars in downtime. Your whole firm grinds to a halt. But it doesn’t have to be this way. While Sundog’s team of IT experts monitor your technology 24/7, we focus on prevention to avoid downtime from happening in the first place. But if a problem does occur, you can count on us to respond in minutes (not hours).

Learn how we have helped so many have great IT


Schedule Your Discovery Session

Our initial discovery session only takes 15 minutes! We will discuss your current roadblocks and issues surrounding IT. Based on your unique business needs, we can begin creating your roadmap for IT success.

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