Veteran Lead Operations
A message from Cohen Barnes, President of Sundog, Inc.
At Sundog, US Military service is highly valued and actively supported. We have a long history of employing veterans of active duty service and current members of our National Guard and Reserves.
The sacrifices our soldiers have made and continue to make deserve our support in whatever way we as individuals or employers can provide, and Sundog is committed to this cause. We have signed the Statement of Support from ESGR, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, that pledges our commitment to our veterans and our current Citizen Warriors.
Before beginning a career in IT, I served in the US Army as an Infantryman, including in Operation Desert Storm. Because I responded to my country’s call, I was proud to come home with the National Defense Ribbon, an honor I share with my son and both of my grandfathers, who are veterans of World War II.
As a veteran myself, the United States Military had an enormous impact on my life and helped shape who I am. I am proud to have served my country and proud to work with fellow veterans today.
As job opportunities at Sundog arise, I encourage all soldiers past and present to apply for those positions. Your military service will be seen as an important asset in the character and culture components we look for in qualified candidates.
Thanks go out to all of you who have and are serving in our military.
Cohen Barnes
Sundog, Inc.
Sundog, Inc.