Government IT Services

Enjoy seamless technology, without going over budget

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Why choose Sundog:

Audit and implementation retention policies for electronic records to satisfy FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)

Avoid reputation damage to your government agency by implementing modern cybersecurity measures to protect yourself and taxpayers.

We will help prepare technology recommendations during your budget planning cycle to reduce large expenditures and surprise costs.

Expert advice on cloud technologies to create a more productive, modern, organization adaptive to the digital age.

Ongoing cybersecurity training for staff so they know how to keep your government agency secure.

Predictable costs. Bulletproof security.

Your organization is on a fixed budget. You can’t afford surprise IT bills due to careless support, poor planning, or miscommunications with your provider. Not to fear. Throughout Sundog’s over 30 years in business, we’ve worked with dozens of government organizations. We understand you need predictable costs, service, and transparency. And that’s exactly what Sundog delivers you.
What’s more, we provide you ironclad cybersecurity to protect you from hackers. US government agencies are being hit daily by cyber criminals, costing them millions of dollars. Can you afford to go unprotected? With Sundog, you’ll sleep soundly knowing your organization is armed with the latest security solutions and your staff are trained to prevent network breaches before they occur.

Learn how we have helped so many have great IT


Schedule Your Discovery Session

Our initial discovery session only takes 15 minutes! We will discuss your current roadblocks and issues surrounding IT. Based on your unique business needs, we can begin creating your roadmap for IT success.

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