
Top 3 ways to prevent Spectre and Meltdown

Data security is critical to the healthcare industry. Hospitals and clinics need to ensure medical records are protected at all times to stay HIPAA-compliant. But with Spectre and Meltdown affecting every server, all healthcare providers are at risk of data breach. Why is Spectre and Meltdown a big problem for healthcare providers? Spectre and Meltdown

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Improving healthcare data storage

As more medical practices adopt electronic health records (EHR), running out of digital storage is becoming an increasingly common issue. HIPAA-regulated practices don’t always have the option of cloud solutions, but virtualization is a secure and cost-effective alternative. What is virtualization? There are countless ways for healthcare practices to improve their operations with virtualization, but

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Are EHRs useful?

The fact that the world is going digital is unprecedented. With that in mind, the healthcare industry has also decided to embrace the digital trend in the form of EHRs. Short for electronic health records, this new type of data management system aims to improve on traditional paper-based ways. But will it? What is an

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Key points from Protenus’ new report!

In November 2017, healthcare data security and privacy company Protenus released a report on the most common security breaches in healthcare. Here are a few key takeaways. Insiders are a bigger threat than hackers Protenus is one of the largest security vendors for electronic health records (EHRs) and their mid-year review sheds some important light

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Mobile devices and HIPAA compliance

Mobile devices have revolutionized the healthcare industry: They’re convenient and significantly improve work efficiency and patients’ satisfaction. Yet they also come with risks. Patient data handled by those devices can be leaked. That’s why every healthcare provider needs to be extra careful about data security when using mobile devices. Why does data security matter so

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How HIPAA wards off ransomware threats

Hospitals and healthcare organizations are usually the first victims of malware attacks. WannaCry ransomware — malicious software that encrypts files until the victim decides to pay the Bitcoin ransom — took advantage of this when it hit several healthcare institutions last month. With more malware expected to target the healthcare industry this year, following HIPAA

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